Northwestern zone of Feng Shui Helpers and Travels: how to activate. Feng Shui of an apartment - identifying and activating the Helper and Travel zones in different parts of the apartment

And organizing the space in your home in accordance with the canons of ancient Chinese philosophy can significantly improve your life. Let's talk about how to do this.

How to determine zones by cardinal directions

Zones are determined using a compass and a floor plan. You need to put the cardinal directions on it and draw out the space in accordance with them.

The fastest and easiest way to do this:

  1. Determine where north is in your apartment - this is the starting point for the subsequent division of space.
  2. Draw a schematic plan of the apartment and mark all cardinal directions on it. Then divide from the center into nine equal parts.
  3. Ready! You can begin to activate each zone of the apartment and organize the space in them.

What each sector of space is responsible for:

  1. Northeast is the zone of wisdom and knowledge. An office or work area should be located here. The spirit of education reigns in this space, so it is most suitable for study and self-development.
  2. The northwest is the zone of helpers and travel. Proper organization of space ensures that in any difficult moment of life you will have a strong patron who will help solve all problems and get out of the crisis.
  3. The East is the family zone. She is responsible for healthy relationships between household members, their well-being - physical and mental. Helps keep marriage bonds strong, live in happiness and harmony.
  4. The West is a zone of children and creativity. Ideal for placement. If you organize the space correctly, children will grow and develop harmoniously, love to learn and will always please their parents with their successes.
  5. Southeast - one of the most important parts of the apartment. How the space will be organized here directly affects financial wealth and material well-being. Money is also energy that needs to be activated.
  6. The south is the zone of glory, which is responsible for the social status and realization of a person in society. If you activate it, you will never have problems communicating with people, your opinion will be valued, and your authority will become unquestionable.
  7. The southwest is the zone of love and marriage. It is very important to pay attention to this area for people who are still single and have not met their soulmate. By organizing your space, you increase your chances of finding happy and harmonious relationships and activate the flow of sexual energy.
  8. The center of the apartment is the health zone. She is responsible for the well-being of everyone who lives in the house. Not only for health, but also for physical attractiveness. It is with the organization of space in this sector that you need to start first.

The layout of modern apartments is not always successful from the point of view. The money zone, for example, may be located in the location of the bathroom, which is extremely unfavorable. If you do not use special Chinese talismans, money will literally flow down the toilet.

Let's talk about how to use and activate all zones correctly.

Activation of sectors of space

In order for energy to circulate in space and fill the premises, it is important to correctly activate each sector and eliminate negative factors.

  1. To activate the career zone, place office equipment in it - here you can put a computer, a landline telephone, place photos with colleagues and superiors. Objects symbolizing the energy of water also have a beneficial effect on the sector.
  2. There should be sufficiently bright lighting in the zone of wisdom and knowledge. Make sure there is more than enough light in the space. If little daylight penetrates into the room, install additional lamps with powerful lamps.
  3. To activate the assistants and travel zone, place photos with your close friends in it. Hang pictures of people you consider to be your spiritual guides on your walls. You can also hang a wish map here, on which you have marked the places you dream of visiting.
  4. Remove all antiques, metal objects, and photographs of deceased relatives from the family area. Fill the space with vibrant indoor plants and colorful images of natural landscapes.
  5. Decorate the children's and creativity area with bright accents. Make sure there is bright lighting, place amulets everywhere, and hang your children’s drawings or some of their crafts on the walls.
  6. To activate the wealth zone, place special money talismans there. This sector is protected by the energy of water, so you can place objects that symbolize it. The ideal solution is an aquarium or indoor fountain.
  7. In the glory zone it is better to put all kinds of certificates, diplomas, awards and cups that you received. All kinds of figurines made of natural stone activate energy.
  8. In the love zone you need to place paired objects: figurines of animals, angels, candles, hearts, soft toys. Bird figurines have a very good effect on the energy situation.
  9. A bright crystal chandelier must be located in the center of the health zone. If this is a dining room or living room, place a table under a light source where the family will gather.

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Travel map

Zone: helpers, travel

Direction: northwestern part of the apartment.

Zone element: metal.

Zone colors: white, silver, gold and their shades.

The Helpers and Travels Zone is responsible for the help and support of people you consider to be your guides. If you need material or spiritual help and you assume that such support can be received, place objects or things that are directly associated with these people in this sector. You yourself won’t notice how or why, but help will come, and on time.

The Feng Shui Travel Zone is the domain of the patriarch, directly affecting the owner of the house. Here you need to place portraits of respected people whom you consider your teachers and mentors. Moreover, absolutely anyone can be a mentor, it could just be your friend. The Helpers and Travel Zone should fully satisfy your communication needs. Therefore, it is necessary to put the telephone here and create a cozy corner for meeting your guests. An office in the Travel zone is an ideal option.

The Assistants and Travels Zone is responsible for all your movements and travels. If you are an active traveler or just dream of becoming one, then hang here views of the exotic countries you want to visit. Be sure that you will definitely visit there!

The Helper Zone is also responsible for the possibility of spiritual growth. If you are a deeply religious person, you can store in this zone things that are especially dear to you, for example, an icon of the Virgin Mary.

How to activate this zone?

Beautiful landscape poster

This can be done with:

  • Various posters, landscapes, photographs or images of spiritual teachers, helpful people and mentors. Here you can place images of various deities, icons of saints and angels. Images of places where you have already been or where you are about to go will be especially appropriate.
  • All kinds of objects in white or metallic colors.
  • Quotes, affirmations and thoughts that may help you on your travels.
  • Items that are directly associated with your spiritual or religious beliefs, intelligent people such as teachers, and through items that are associated with places that have special meaning to you.
  • The Helpers and Travels sector can be easily activated using ordinary metal bells. You just need to call them and ask for help, and it will come from the most incredible sources.

How to strengthen the travel zone?

Along with activating the zone, some feng shui schools recommend using certain statements (affirmations) that can help you achieve your goal faster. They will give your thoughts a certain direction. These feng shui schools work directly with thought forms, which are embodied in human life.

Examples of affirmations for this sector:

  • I actively attract helpful and loving people to me.
  • The people around me and the people I encounter in life love and actively support me;
  • Many good people help me, and I, in turn, will be glad to be useful to them.
  • There are always opportunities and favorable circumstances in my life.
  • I travel only as much as I need, and only to the places I want to visit.
  • I always find myself in the right place at the right time and meet the people I need at the right moment.

Strengthen the zone when you:

You can come up with a lot of affirmations yourself that best suit your goals, write them on paper and place them in this zone. Just remember that you need to read them carefully, imagining at this time what is written in them and actually exists.

Today we will talk about the assistant and travel sector. So, what does this zone do, and how is it activated? The sector of assistants and travel is responsible for your patrons, mentors, intercessors, and friends. Figuratively speaking, your “guardian angels” in this life.

It can help you make important decisions, accomplish important things, or simply help you resolve difficult life situations and problems.

Thanks to the activation of this sector in the apartment, you will learn to hear your inner voice and notice important clues from above. This sector also allows you to carry out your desired travels and trips. Will ensure their successful and easy progress.

How to determine the travel sector in a home?

In Feng Shui, the northwest zone is responsible for the sector of helpers and travel. A compass and the already mentioned Bagua grid will help you most accurately in your calculations. Read more in our article.

Zone elements and colors

As always, there is a rule for designing the assistants' area.

  • the main element of the sector is Metal
  • generative - Earth

Accordingly, the colors you should use are terracotta, peach, brown, white, gray, silver and gold. Metal and wooden furniture, as well as ceramic, porcelain, crystal, and clay products are appropriate.

  • the weakening element is Water
  • destructive – Fire

Therefore, no black, blue, light blue, red or orange shades. Well, accordingly, candles and aquariums have no place in this area either. As well as various water-fire images.
Activation of the zone of assistants and travel according to Feng Shui

As you already understand, the activation of the zone occurs due to wooden and metal products. It wouldn't hurt to hang it up.

Call them every time you need help. Just don’t call at night, otherwise you’ll call the spirit of your neighbors instead of the spirit of help.

Zone symbols

Successful symbols of activating the assistant zone are photographs of people you respect and friends. Well-known personalities that appeal to you personally won’t hurt either. You can even write down quotes and affirmations that motivate you and put them in a prominent place in the zone.

In the assistants sector, you can also place a box with valid business cards of important people, specialists from different fields, or those who can help you in any situations. Images of handshakes are also relevant.

Zone mascots

The mascots of the assistant zone are crystal dolphins - smart animals that intuitively guess human needs. By the way, a horseshoe will also work. Just remember that it should be with its horns up, as if “accumulating” happiness in itself. Crystal lotus also works to concentrate help from outside. Just like any other crystal.

By the way, having studied a good half of the recommendations, we came to the conclusion that this information is worth highlighting a couple of lines in our article. Some sources claim that it is imperative to place objects of the religion you profess in the assistants’ area. So, most religions do not accept dual beliefs. That is, if you are a deeply religious Orthodox Christian, then you absolutely should not place icons in this area, and even moreover, get carried away with the science of Feng Shui. Any priest in the Orthodox Church will confirm this to you.

By the way, you can consult with him about what to do if you have nevertheless lost your way from the true path (Christian, that is) and have read a lot of worldly literature and teachings (Feng Shui also applies here). Therefore, Orthodox icons (like any other religions, except Chinese) should be given their own special place in the house, not associated with any teachings other than the religion you profess. So, of course, it’s up to you to decide.

If you want to go on a trip, but all the opportunities seem to elude you, then you need to treat this zone as a travel sector. Post photos of distant countries: those you have already visited and those you are just planning to visit. You can put a crystal globe, or even hang a world map in a metal frame.

Well, it’s both useful and exciting! The masters assure that if you wake up every morning and run to the map to mark the places you want to visit, then soon you will actually go on a journey. True, they don’t specify whether it’s real or whether you’re just dreaming it. And you will definitely dream about it if you constantly dream about it *wink*

Let's look at what the Feng Shui travel sector represents:

Main element Metal

Power element Earth

Damaging element Fire

Weakening element Water

Trigram, Qian sector number, number 6

Favorable colors White, gray, silver, gold, yellow

Favorable shapes Round, oval, square

Dangerous symbols Candles, fireplace, red and green colors, triangular shapes, excess water symbols


Metal bell, metal horseshoe, pebbles, portraits of human mentors, images of distant exotic countries, circle of creation, crystals, god Ganesha

The northwestern sector, the travel sector according to Feng Shui, is considered one of the most important in an apartment or house. Because he is responsible for having helpers in your life. If someone thinks that this is not so important, then imagine that you have taken a day off from work and are waiting for a plumber, but he only shows up in the evening and cannot cope with the task, since there are no suitable parts, and so on. ... And how important is the support of friends and help when getting a job! You can’t even list everything.

Having friends who are always ready to happily help you makes our lives incredibly beautiful and easier. Therefore, carefully examine your northwestern sector and create favorable Feng Shui there. In addition to installing talismans, I recommend that you place crystals that support the metal element, and a wind chime with six tubes. You shouldn't light candles or bright lights there either. And if you want help in obtaining the information you need, then the wonderful, bright heavenly helpers, the guardian angels, are always ready to provide you with such a service. You just need to learn how to communicate with them. Then you will have the opportunity to connect to the most reliable, extensive and endless source of information, wisdom and unconditional support - the Divine source. The consciousness of most living people is so deeply rooted in the material world that the very idea that one can receive information not from newspapers and television, but from invisible sources, seems incredible. However, there are more and more people who consciously take advantage of opportunities to receive wise advice from “the other side.”

Contact your guardian angel and ask your question. Thank them in any case, even if you didn’t hear the answer right away. He will definitely come to you. In a dream, as an instant “insight”, as an intuitive guess. Every time you feel that this is exactly what you wanted to know, know that you have received a hint from your wise mentors. If you need help, say so too. They will be happy to help you. Moreover, your heavenly helpers are waiting for the call and are trying to respond as quickly as possible. Just don't forget to say thank you!

Ganesha Kuan Kung (Kuan Di).

Ganesha. This is one of my favorite symbols of support and protection. Strictly speaking, Ganesha is not Chinese in origin. He came from India and is considered the son of Shiva. However, many feng shui experts widely use the image of Ganesha as a powerful talisman of good luck in business. This god is very kind and powerful. If you look closely, Ganesha has many useful things in his hands: for example, in his left hand he holds a cobra - a sign of strength and power, and with his right hand he blesses. If you are running a business, then it would be ideal to hang his image to the right of you in your workplace. Before making an important decision, you can consult with him and fumigate him with incense, he loves it very much. In return, Ganesha will support you in your endeavors.

Kuan Kung (Kuan Di). Let me introduce you to the most powerful, most significant symbol of protecting your home from negative influences! He is one of the most famous generals in ancient China, who was later elevated to the rank of saint and considered a deity of protection and wealth. As you can see, his face is far from the ideals of beauty, which corresponds to historical truth. But don't worry: the more ugly a great warrior's face is, the more power he has to protect his home. It is believed that even during his lifetime he had the ability to cast out evil spirits. People who have set high goals for themselves, politicians and businessmen need to have an image of Kuan Kung in the northwestern sector. And to protect your home from negative energies, hang an image of this brave warrior right in front of the front door. People with evil intentions will never dare to enter your home!

Affirmations for attracting helpful people and safe travels in the practice of Feng Shui.

There are always a lot of kind, sympathetic people around me, ready to help, wherever I am.

I am always surrounded by friendly and loving people.

I trust my destiny, I know that life loves me and I can move around the world calmly and freely, feeling safe and knowing that no matter where I end up, only good things can happen to me.

Wherever I end up, wherever I come, I will meet friends everywhere, good, kind people who will not leave me alone and will always help me.

The world is filled with wonderful people and I always meet them. My kind attitude towards people always attracts the reciprocal kindness and favor of other people to me. There are many good people in the world, and I have nothing to fear when going on a trip - everywhere there are people with whom I can find mutual understanding and a common language.

Traveling is wonderful, it makes me happy and instills cheerfulness and optimism, I love the road and trust it. There will always be only green light on my way. Traveling brings me only joy, everything goes like clockwork for me on the road, the trip lives up to my wildest expectations. I am happy that I can travel and enjoy the beauty and unpredictability of the world, the company of new interesting people. I am always lucky with my travel companions; all my meetings on the road are pleasant, joyful, happy.

I can travel by any means of transport: by land, by water or by air - and I always feel safe. I am protected and only good things can happen to me on the road. I have the right to receive help and support from other people. I deserve it. I'm always lucky!

Career and life path - north.

Main element Water

Power element Metal

Damaging element Earth

Weakening element Wood

Trigram, number of the Kan sector, number 1

Favorable colors Blue, black, light blue, white

Favorable shapes: Twisted, wavy, round

Dangerous symbols Red, earth colors, square shapes


A fountain, an aquarium, a metal bowl of water, a metal horseshoe, a circle of creation, mirrors, Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon, “wind chimes,” a turtle, fish and their images

The longest journey begins with the first step. In Feng Shui symbolism, the northern direction and northern sector help us realize our life goals, aspirations and achieve career success. Therefore, those of you, my dear readers, who are characterized by ambitious aspirations, take a close look at the northern sector in your apartment. He is responsible for career success and, therefore, money. The northern sector is controlled by the element of Water, so the presence of Fire, the antagonist of Water, does not contribute to your career takeoff. But fountains, aquariums, paintings with water and goldfish are just what you need!

The presence of the Metal element also strengthens career growth. Metal gives birth to water, and water brings money. Decide for yourself what you like best - metal bells, embossing or a bronze figurine. Important point! If you're serious about taking off in your career, make sure you work, sleep, and eat in ways that are good for you! The School of Compass Feng Shui is very powerful and accumulates its potential over time, so use knowledge of your favorable directions to your advantage! Now let's start placing the talismans.

Glass goldfish. Glass is an element of Water, fish is also an element of Water and a magnificent symbol of money. Hang a picture with this beauty on any northern wall or in the northern sector. Let it float there and bring you success and money! Just make sure that this fish is not behind your back.

Goldfish in the water. The greater the number of fish, the greater your luck in business! Such a wonderful picture can be hung in the north, east or southeast of the house. You can even enlarge it and hang it in your office. And in such a way that the fish are always in front of your eyes. This is a wonderful feng shui for business and money luck!

Fountain. The image of water is generally good in the north, and a fountain is just what the feng shui doctor ordered! The fountain is such a popular symbol of good luck that it has become a universal expression of good feng shui. Personally, I prefer those fountains that point upward rather than flow downwards. Up, up, everything must grow and rise up!

Turtle. O wise and ancient turtle! How many legends and fairy tales have been written about these amazing creatures! It is believed that if you make eye contact with a living turtle, most of your bad luck will disappear. These slow giants have such power. In Feng Shui, turtles are treated in a very special way. She is one of the four mystical creatures. The turtle's place is in the north, behind your back or in the bedroom.

Affirmations for success at work and career growth in the practice of Feng Shui.

I follow my path in life, this path is mine, and only mine, and on this path I find exactly the job that I need at the moment. I am happy with my work.

I am always in the right place at the right time and complete everything on time. I love my job because I know that I am always working where I need to be and doing what I need to do. I am open to everything new in life, I am not afraid of new turns, because I know that behind them only good things await me, wonderful prospects and new opportunities open up there.

I am happy with the work that I have, and I know that my career will continue to be more and more successful. I have many talents and abilities, I have everything to succeed, and therefore I will always achieve success in my work and rise to new heights of professionalism every year.

I am a professional in my field. What I do, I do well, because I love what I do and do what I love.

I am learning to see the new opportunities that my life is full of, I know that a new wonderful job awaits me, in which all my abilities and talents will be fully realized, which will bring me a lot of joy and a high level of well-being. With my work I bring a lot of benefit to people. I like to do good for them because I love the people I work for. Every day brings me new opportunities for professional growth. My abilities are improving every day.

I work with dignity, well, successfully, I am valued at work, and I receive offers for promotion exactly when I expect it and when I am ready for it. I can easily cope with a new, higher position; I have all the necessary qualities for this.

I'm not afraid to look for myself, because it's never too late to change your life. I believe in my calling and I know that I will find it. Everything that happens in my life is correct and natural, I am steadily growing and developing, climbing the steps of professional improvement, my career is gaining strength and brings me success that exceeds all expectations. I'm always lucky!

Wisdom, knowledge - northeast.

Main element Earth

Power element Fire

Damaging element Wood

Weakening element Metal

Trigram, number of the Gen sector, number 8.

Favorable colors Yellow, terracotta, orange, beige, sand

Favorable shapes Square, triangular

Danger symbols Green, black and blue colors, rectangular shapes


Globe, books, circle of creation, crystals, pot of wealth (with gold or its imitation), "chime of the wind", snake

If there are schoolchildren or students in your home, then activating the knowledge sector will help them achieve academic success. To achieve better academic results, try to position students and schoolchildren facing the direction of personal development (this is the fourth favorable direction). Ask children which teachers are role models for them and hang up portraits of teachers in that sector. This will be a great incentive to study.

Pearl. Since ancient times, China has been very respectful and even reverent towards people who have a good education. Crystal egg. The element of the northeast is Earth. Any crystals express the essence of the energy of the Earth. It is very useful to have crystals of any shape and cut on your desktop. In this case, an egg is a very good form for a crystal. It symbolizes eternal life and renewal. You can put this image on the table and look at it sometimes. In the multi-colored facets of crystal reflections, you may find answers to your questions, and everything that seemed difficult will become much easier.

Affirmations for achieving academic success and gaining wisdom in the practice of Feng Shui.

I have an intuition that directly connects me with the source of higher knowledge. I know how to listen and hear the voice of intuition, which always gives me only the right answers to all questions, and therefore I always make only the right decisions.

I know that there are no hopeless cumyaisuu, and no matter what happens, I will always find the best way out of any situation. There is a source of infinite wisdom and strength within me. I trust myself and listen to my inner voice. All questions already have answers inside my heart. Every day a deeper understanding of life opens up to me. I see the hidden meaning of all things and phenomena.

I know that we live in an amazing, mysterious world, every second presenting us with new opportunities and new discoveries, and with delight every day I discover new facets of it in the world, never ceasing to be amazed at its beauty and versatility.

I trust my inner wisdom. I constantly discover new things in myself, in my life, I see all the patterns, all the connections between the events of my life, I know that everything is not accidental, and I accept my life as it is, with love and gratitude.

I know myself well, all my strengths and weaknesses, I accept and love myself for who I am, my knowledge of myself gives me self-confidence, optimism and positive self-esteem. Every problem I have has a solution. Every question I have comes with an answer. I trust myself, my intuition, higher knowledge. I trust my Higher Power and boldly move forward.

There is an inexhaustible source of wisdom within me. I listen to this source - and I understand that deep down I have knowledge of everything that was, what is and what will be. Therefore, I have nothing to worry about - my inner wisdom always leads me on the right path, protects and protects me. I am always in peace and harmony in life. In all situations I show wisdom and calmness.

I always know exactly what I need to do and make the right choice in any life situation. I free myself from doubts, hesitations, uncertainty - my intuition, my inner wisdom clearly tells me what is right and what is wrong in my behavior, actions, thoughts and actions. I'm always lucky!

Family and support - east.

Main element Wood

Power element Water

Damaging element Metal

Weakening element Fire

Trigram, number of the Zhen sector, number 3

Favorable colors Green, brown, black, blue, red (in moderate doses!)

Favorable shapes Rectangular, cylindrical, wavy

Dangerous symbols Fireplace, candles, triangular shapes, excess red color and metal objects


Living plants with leaves up, green tree in a tub - "family" tree, growing bamboo or bamboo sticks, picture of water, family photos, circle of creation, jade eggs, Fu-hsing with child and peach fruit, moon goddess, green dragon, dragon with pearls

Do you dream of having breakfast with freshly baked croissants and tart coffee in Paris? Or climb Elbrus? Or maybe unravel the mystery of unexplored Tibet? The Helpers and Travel Zone will help you make any dream come true and get to the desired geographical point.

Northwest Helpers and Travel Zone

This is an ideal place for those who are looking for patrons or want to leave as many marks as possible on their passport. Or go on trips at the expense of your patrons. The Helpers and Travel Zone makes dreams come true! Let's take a closer look at it so that you can take into account all the nuances.

What is he responsible for?

The Travel and Helpers sector speaks for itself. To have a cherished dream « visit an incredibly beautiful place » come true, you need to properly decorate your space. If you are in need of serious patrons (financially, for work, for life, for gaining spirituality), take a close look at this place.

Where is

According to Feng Shui, the zone of travel and helpers is in the northwest. You can find the direction using a hiking compass or a special application on your phone. It is recommended to allocate a common sector in the house or a separate space in the room.

There's always a green light on my way

The Helpers and Travels Zone is governed and activated by several elements. Let's take a closer look at the details so you can attract the right energies correctly.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Metal .

Fill the space with metal shelves or shelving. Place ceramic vases or clay figurines on them. Fill the travel and assistants area with places you want to visit.

It is worth abandoning any living plants in the northwest. It is permissible to place only a money tree. You need to be more careful with fire. The lighting should be good, but there shouldn't be a lot of it.

Shapes and colors

It is advisable to decorate your space in the specified colors. If this is not possible, it is enough to add stylish touches with the help of accessories and household items.

How to activate the Helpers and Travel zone

To activate, you should familiarize yourself with the simple rules described below. The Helpers and Travels Zone should be filled with love and your sincere desires.


Try to always clean, the northwest should be in perfect condition. Check all items for scuffs, cracks and chips. If something can be fixed, fix it. If this is not possible, then throw the item in the trash.

Activation of the Helpers and Travel zone

The table shows symbols that have a beneficial effect on space. You can choose 1-2 items from the list and customize your Travel and Helpers sector.

Helper and Travel Zone in different areas of the apartment

What to do if the sector finds itself in unfavorable locations? After all, the Helpers and Travel zone in an apartment can be located in the toilet or bathroom. Don't be upset. In the bathroom you can place little angels around the perimeter, and in the toilet you can lay a silver rug.